Welcome to the FoodStack Library

FoodStack Library is committed to highlighting food writers, recipe creators and food bloggers of all audience sizes. It will be a valuable resource for anyone seeking recipes, information, narratives (Stories), and other information about food.

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FoodStack Library Core Values

The following are 5 core values I try to implement while building the FoodStack Library. If any of these values break down, especially #4, I will do my best to bring them back to be the very best they can be.

bird singing on tree
  1. Resource - Provide a full and comprehensive list, a one stop shop, of food writers and their substack publication.

  2. Community - A place to build friendships and connect with other people interested in food.

  3. Accessibility - All content is to be freely available for everyone, making it easy to search and discover new and established food writers.

  4. Enjoyable -  A fun and safe place for everyone to hang out. Also for all those helping to build the FoodStack Library publication.

  5. Collaborate - To freely collaborate, and exchange ideas with like minded people.

I would love to know what you think.

If you would like to apply to be listed on the FoodStack Library please fill in the form on the link below.

Apply Now

Subscribe to FoodStack Library

FoodStack Library highlights food writers, recipe creators, & food bloggers worldwide. It's a valuable resource for anyone seeking recipes, information, and narratives —a source of knowledge about food. And you get to see inside 'Other People's Kitchens'.


Creator of the FoodStack Library-An index of food writers and their publications and recipes. Clandestine Cake Club - a newsletter of stories & recipes.