I love your kitchen and garden! I'm especially enamored by the pretty backsplash and by the net you have around your garden. One of my neighbors does the same thing with her giant berry bush collection and it's so perfect for letting bees in but keeping the sneaky birds out.

This is such a fantastic series Lynn.

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Thank you Christina! Im happy you like the backsplash! You won't believe what happened to the net. In one week's time, the corn stalk grew to the 'ceiling' of the net and is now threatening to grow 'through the top'!! We have magpies and sparrows in the neighborhood that love to feast on the gardens, so the net was 'necessary'! The birds managed to leave some of the cherries on the cherry tree for us to pick. The bees, as you said, are wonderful for the garden...and luckily they fit through the the net!

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I used to have tons of fruit trees before we moved a couple years ago and it was always a race to get everything before the birds. You had to leave the fruit on the tree long enough to ripen, but not long enough to be tempting to the birds. That's some happy corn to grow through your net!

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Having many fruit trees must have been amazing...I know exactly what you mean about that narrow window of time between ripe enough to pick and oh my goodness, the birds got here first!!! lolol...Yes, the corn sure is happy!

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I love this series! What a gorgeous vegetable garden -- and that leek and feta cheese pita looks amazing too.

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Thank you Karishma! Im glad you like the garden! I hope you try the pita!

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